Welcome to My Marriage and Pre-Marriage Counseling Services!

At times, even the strongest relationships can face challenges. Whether you're struggling with conflicts, miscommunication, or simply looking to strengthen your bond, marriage and pre-marriage counseling services are here to support and guide you towards a happier and healthier relationship.

Marriage is a beautiful journey, but it also requires effort, understanding, and effective communication. I understand that seeking help can be a difficult decision, but by taking this step, you're showing immense courage and a commitment to making positive changes in your relationship.

Why Choose My Marriage or Pre-Marriage Counseling?

1. Expertise and Experience:

One of the specialties at Bosco Counseling is working with couples. With years of experience, extensive training, and a deep understanding of relationship dynamics, I’m equipped to help you navigate the unique challenges that arise in marriages and pre-marriage situations.

2. Confidential Environment:

I provide a respectful and helpful space where you can openly express your thoughts and concerns. An atmosphere of trust and respect is vital, allowing you and your spouse to explore your feelings and experiences without fear of condenmation.

3. Tailored Approach:

Every couple is unique, and I recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach leaves opportunity behind. My counseling sessions are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring that we address the issues you're facing and help you develop practical strategies to overcome them.

Marriage Counseling Services:

1. Conflict Resolution:

Learn how to effectively resolve conflicts and find common ground. I’ll guide you through proven techniques that promote understanding, empathy, and compromise, enabling you to tackle challenges as a team.

2. Communication Skills:

Enhance your communication skills and foster healthier dialogue. We'll teach you valuable techniques to express yourselves, actively listen, and understand each other's perspectives. Improved communication lays the foundation for a stronger, more connected relationship.

3. Rebuilding Trust:

If trust has been compromised, we can help you navigate the process of rebuilding it. Through open and honest discussions, we'll address the underlying issues, promote forgiveness, and assist you in developing strategies to reestablish trust and create a secure bond.

Pre-Marriage Counseling Services:

1. Premarital Preparation:

Start your journey together on a strong foundation. Pre-marriage counseling provides a structured space to discuss important topics such as values, expectations, goals, and potential challenges. We'll work to build essential skills to navigate your future as a united and resilient couple.

2. Strengthening Bond and Communication:

Invest in your relationship before tying the knot. The sessions focus on strengthening the emotional connection, building effective communication patterns, and identifying and managing potential areas of conflict. Pre-marriage counseling empowers you to address potential issues proactively.

3. Developing Conflict Resolution Strategies:

Prepare for the inevitable conflicts that arise in any relationship. We'll guide you in developing healthy conflict resolution strategies, helping you establish constructive patterns of communication from the beginning.

Take the First Step Towards a Happier Relationship:

I understand that seeking help for your marriage or preparing for your upcoming marriage can feel daunting. But remember, you're not alone. Our experienced counselors are here to guide and support you through this journey.

Investing in your relationship is an investment in your future. Contact us today to schedule a session or to learn more about our marriage and pre-marriage counseling services. Together, let's build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship that will stand the test of time.

A Wedding Day Reflection

Your home is to be a sanctuary; a place where you can feel safe being who you are. A place that will provide comfort and rest from a busy and tedious working environment. No one is to know you like the person to whom you are married. Together, the two of you are one couple. You are a couple to be undivided. You will be able to work together in amazing ways, accomplishing things in life better as a unit than being alone.

When life becomes demanding, and time together seems absent, push the pause button. Revisit your calendar, consider commitments, make changes in your priorities. Establish time together for just sitting, walking hand in hand, and dreaming. This kind of time is to be at the forefront of your life together. These moments can be profound and will help you move past difficult times. The memories will allow for the shaping of a foundation for hope in the future when the future looks bleak.

Marriage is a promise to love each other for the duration of your life, no matter how easy or difficult it can be. A way to make the commitment work is to look at the word Love as a verb, an action word. Love is something you must do, not just wait for it to show up. Loving each other is being mindful of your thoughts and actions and how they affect your spouse. Live enthusiastically for the betterment of your spouse.

The action of love requires patience and kindness. It can be challenging. There is no room for rudeness or quick-tempered responses. Practice forgiveness. (It gets easier over time.) Brooding over injury or rejoicing over wrongdoings is to be kept in check. Love never fails.

Strive towards perfection in your marriage. Yet, remember that mistakes will happen. Seek out married couples you trust for guidance and encouragement. Push through conversations, no matter how challenging or arduous they might be. Your experiences and ability to love will reward you with wisdom and strength.

Today is a new beginning for you two. Many people share in your joy and excitement today and all that marriage can provide. Stay active in love, and your relationship will be rewarded with peace and joy.

— A reflection given by Cynthia Rust to her son and his bride for their wedding day, 2022.

Where is God?

Some of the worst pain can come when the marital bond has weakened. The person that we said “yes” to on the day of our wedding has hurt us terribly. Couldn’t God, an all loving and all powerful God, save us from such distress? Why does He let this happen?

Those are difficult questions to answer. The truth is we may not ever know why God has allowed so many evils to befall us. It doesn’t seem acceptable to allow someone to suffer so much. However, we can look to the examples that we see around us. Other couples have somehow come through difficult times. While they admit that they may have questioned their faith when the times were especially difficult, they also claim that their current situation is much better than before. Conflict is change trying to happen. Some changes are healthy, and a professional can help couples navigate their journey so that they find healthy patterns. The ideal is to restore and exceed the faith, hope, and love that the couple experienced on their wedding day.

Sometimes, the path forward looks closed down, options increasingly limited, and it may feel disappointing. In many cases, our friends help us find our way. However, your problems may be difficult to share with others in your life or friends and family may simply not understand your situation. With professional assessments and expertise, therapists help couples recover the life-giving relationship that drew them together from the start.